Exploring flow:
A space for self discovery, creativity and authentic living.
Hi! I’m Tatiana
I am a creator who lives in the Pacific Northwest, and for the last 15 years, I have been on a journey to figure out who I am and what it means to live an authentic life for myself. There have been lots of highs and lows, with tons of growth. I believe this is a lifelong journey for all of us, but I have learned a lot through all of my research, experimentation, and self reflection.
I used to be embarrased by being multi-passionate and not being able to focus and hone 1-2 main passions or skills. Through my research and experiences, I’ve come to realize it’s not a weakness but a unique and beautiful quality. A quality and characteristic I now treasure, and once fully accepted, has freed me to joyfully pursue flow in all aspects of my life.
The variety of my interests may appear to be disjointed or random to others, but I have found a through-line that keeps them all grounded in me: they all encourage the exploration of self discovery, creativity and authentic living.
This space is where I hope to share some of those passions and explorations. I hope it inspires you to follow your own unique flow in life.

Recent Projects
New collection of giclee art prints
6 new paintings!
Latest Blog Posts

Contemplating the difference between the grief I feel from my dad vs my mom